Saturday, November 30, 2019

Stellar numbers free essay sample

Stellar numbers are sequence of numbers that follow a certain pattern, when we plot it into a diagram it will create a geometrical star-like shape. Each stellar number has its own vertices and number of dots, the formula will be different for every vertices. We are now going to determine the number of dots in each stage, and then we could see the pattern of the number of dots. Finally, we can generate a simplified formula or general statement for to find the number of dots in each stage. Triangular numbers are sequence of number that has certain pattern and if we plot it into a diagram it will create a geometrical triangular shape. Each triangular number has its own number of dots and formula. Now, we will start with triangular number first. Aim: In this task I will consider geometric shapes which lead to special numbers. The simplest example of these are square numbers, 1,4,9,16 which can be represented by squares of side 1,2,3 and 4. We will write a custom essay sample on Stellar numbers or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The following diagrams show a triangular pattern of evenly spaced dots. This can be explained, because stellar numbers must at least have 1 vertice. Explain how you arrived at the general statement To find the general statement, We must find the pattern of the nth term of the stellar number, by trying to find the formula of every stellar number with different vertices. I found that the general statement is in the form of quadratic equation with â€Å"1† as the value of c. The coefficient A and B have the same, which correspond to the number of vertices in each stellar number. After that, I need to test the general statement for the other stellar number to prove its validity. Conclusion The general statement of triangular number is Sn = 1/2n2 + 1/2n. I generated it by identifying the sequence of triangular number, and then create a formula that follows the pattern and it is proven to be correct because it can be used to find the number of dots in any term except the term ? 1. For the stellar numbers, I have found the general statement that works for various stellar numbers with different vertices, which is Sn= pn2-pn+1. Yet, there is a limitation of this general statement, it cannot be used when p gt; 1. To find the general statement, I have identified the pattern of the sequence, by trying to find the number of dots in each term. P in this formula represents the number of vertices in stellar numbers, n here, corresponds to the term of stellar numbers.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Deforetsation essays

Deforetsation essays Today we face the growing concerns about the environment and what we can do to help protect our valuable resources. One of the topics that is currently being heatedly debated is deforestation. We are all affected by the forests and there affect on the environment. A good portion of the products we use are made from or are influenced by trees or other forest organisms. Deforestations main causes are growing population, education, and the commercial timber industry. But there are many smaller causes that create a great deal of other problems. Often the short-term benefits seem to outweigh the long-term cost, which seems to direct our reason. The growing population can be seen as a major enemy of forest. Our cities and towns are growing at an alarming rate. Forests and farmlands are cleared to make way for new sub divisions and condos. As our populations numbers grow the cities spread into the natural forestlands. Real estate also sets a high standard on the surrounding areas. Many people pay large sums to build summer homes in the woods were they can get away form it all. Most are only used a few weeks a year, and only further exploit backcountry lands. Ten years ago we were not as concerned with recycling and protecting our environment. Today we know better and have slowly started to learn the importance of the world we live in and the impact that we can have on it, for good or bad. That lack of education has cost us a lot though. We have had to learn the hard way and have paid a great price. Today its estimated that 80% of the worlds original forests have been destroyed (Hatch 97). We need to keep teaching our kids the importance of protecting the earths natural resources, and to remain conscious of the effects we have on them. The biggest enemy of forests is of course the commercial timber Industry. Its not all there fault though, they are acting in accordance with the current ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Single Variable Equations in Algebra ACT Math Strategies

Single Variable Equations in Algebra ACT Math Strategies SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Single variable equations are some of the most common types of problems on the ACT math section. You must know how to set up, use, and manipulate these kinds of equations, as they are a foundational element of mathematics upon which more complicated expressions (multiple variable, quadratics, etc.) are based. So make sure you are prepared to tackle the ins and outs of single variable equations (no matter how they are presented on the ACT), before you take on some of the more complicated elements of ACT math. This guide will be your complete walk-through of single variable equations for the ACTwhat they are, how you’ll see them on the test, and how to set up and solve them. And the mystery unfolds. What Are Single Variable Equations? To understand a single variable equation, let us break it into its two components: the variable and the equation. A variable is a symbolic placeholder for a number we do not yet know. It’s very common to see $x$ or $y$ used as a variable in math problems, but variables can be represented by any symbol or letter. $x + 4 = 14$ In this case, $x$ is our variable. It represents a number that is currently unknown. An equation sets two mathematical expressions equal to one another. This equality is represented with an equals sign (=) and each side of the expression can be as simple as a single integer or as complex as an expression with multiple variables, exponents, or anything else. $({x +y^2})/14 - 65(x - 3) = 2$ The above is an example of an equation. Each side of the expression equals the other. So if we put together our definitions, we know that: A single variable equation is an equation in which there is only one variable used. (Note: the variable can be used multiple times and/or used on either side of the equation; all that matters is that the variable remains the same.) ${(x + 4)}/2 = 12$ $6x + 3 - 2x = 19$ $4y - 2 = y + 7$ These are all examples of single variable equations. You can see how some expressions used the variable multiple times or used the variable in both expressions (on either side of the equals sign). No matter how many times the variable is used, these still count as single variable problems because the variable remains constant and there are no other variables. Finding your missing variable is like finding that last missing piece of the puzzle. Typical Single Variable Equations on the ACT Single variable equations will fall into two broad categories on the ACTgiven equations and word problems. Let’s look at each type. Given Equations A given equation will provide you with the equation you need to use to solve the problem. We will go through the exact processes needed to solve this kind of problem in the next section, but for now just understand that your goal is to isolate your variable. (We will go through how to solve this question later in the guide) As you can see from this problem, the isolated variable may not be your final answer. Sometimes the question will ask you to solve for $x$, sometimes the question will ask you to solve for $x$ to a different term (as in this case, where they ask you to find $2x$). Always pay close attention to exactly what the question is asking you to find! You need to first isolate your $x$ to solve the problem, but if you stop there then you will get the final answer wrong. Word Problems A word problem describes a scene in which you must set up your own single variable equation to solve it. Again, your final answer may be the value of your variable ($x$ or $y$, etc.) or your variable taken to a different term ($2x$, $y/2$, etc.). (We will go through how to solve this question later in the guide) How to Manipulate a Single Variable Equation In order to solve a single variable equation, we must isolate our variable on one side of the equation. And the way we do this is by shifting the rest of our terms to the other side of the equation. In order to shift our terms (numbers), we must therefore cancel them out on their original side by performing the opposite function of the term. Opposite function pairs are: Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division So if we have a term on one side that has a plus sign (addition), we must subtract that same amount from both sides. $x + 2 = 6$ $x + 2 - 2 = 6 - 2$ $x = 4$ If we have a term that is multiplied, we must divide that same amount from both sides. $3x = 18$ ${3x}/3 = 18/3$ $x = 6$ And so on. Whatever you do on one side of the equation, you must do on the other. This cancels out like terms and essentially moves your terms from one side of the equation to the other. Single variable equations are all about maintaining balance. Steps to Solving a Single Variable Problem Let us take a typical variable expression and break it into the steps needed to solve it. $3y - 10 + 2y = 15$. Find $y$. 1) Combine like terms If there is more than one term with a same variable, we must combine them in order to ultimately isolate that variable. We can add or subtract terms with a same variable in the same way we can any other numbers. $3y - 10 + 2y = 15$ Here we have a $3y$ and a $2y$. They are both positive, so we add them together. $3y + 2y = 5y$ So now our equation looks like this: $5y - 10 = 15$ 2) Isolate the term with your variable Once we have combined our variables, we must isolate the variable term. If the term is simply the variable itself (e.g. $y$), then we can skip this step. But since our term her is $5y$, we must isolate the whole term first. $5y - 10 = 15$ So we must add 10 to either side of our equation. Why? Because we have a negative 10 and addition is the opposite of subtraction. And we must do it to either side to cancel out the 10 on the first expression in order to isolate our variable. $5y - 10 + 10 = 15 + 10$ $5y = 25$ 3) Isolate your variable Now that we’ve isolated our term ($5y$), we can further isolate the variable itself. Again, we perform an opposite function of the term. In this case, we have $5y$, which uses multiplication. In order to isolate the variable, we must therefore use division (the opposite of multiplication) by dividing on both sides. $5y = 25$ ${5y}/5 = 25/5$ $y = 5$ 4) Double-check your variable by plugging it back in Now that we’ve solved for our variable, let us check to make sure it is correct by plugging it back into the original equation. $y = 5$ $3y - 10 + 2y = 15$ $3(5) - 10 + 2(5) = 15$ $15 - 10 + 10 = 15$ $15 = 15$ Success! We have correctly isolated the variable and found its value. 5) And, finally, double-check to make sure you are answering the right question! In this case, we are done, because our initial question asked us to find the value of $y$. But you must always double-check to make sure you are answering the right question. If they had asked us the value for $5y$ or $y/3$, then we would have gotten the answer wrong if we had stopped here at $y = 5$. Always double-check that your variable is correct and that you are answering the question the test is asking you to answer. Now let’s try it again with our problem from earlier: We have $7 + 3x = 22$ and we must isolate our variable in order to ultimately find $2x$ Step 1, combine like terms: There are no like terms to combine, so we can skip step 1. Step 2, isolate variable term: $7 + 3x = 22$ $7 - 7 + 3x = 22 - 7$ $3x = 15$ Step 3, isolate variable: $3x = 15$ ${3x}/3 = 15/3$ $x = 5$ Step 4, double-check answer: $7 + 3(5) = 22$ $7 + 15 = 22$ $22 = 22$ Success. But wait! We’re not done just yet. Step 5, look at what the final question is asking: We must finish the question by finding $2x$ $x = 5$ $2(5) = 10$ So our final answer is G, $2x = 10$ It may appearthatperforming a single variable equation requires a lot of steps, but the more you practice, the easier and more instinctive this process will become. Test Your Knowledge 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Answers:C, G, B, G, E Answer Explanations: 1) Ms. Lewis begins by driving 900 miles at 50 miles per hour and we want to find out how much faster she must go to travel the same amount of miles in three hours less time. Because she is driving the same amount, we can set these terms equal. We are also only working with the variable of miles per hour, so this is a single variable equation. Now, the two sides of the equation are dealing with miles and miles per hour. The first half of our equation will look like this: $(900/50) - 3$ Why? Because Ms. Lewis is driving 900 miles at 50 miles per hour, so we need to divide the miles by mph in order to find out her travel time. And then we must reduce that amount by 3 because we are told that her new travel time will be 3 miles less than that. This means that the other half of our equation will look like this: $900/x$ Why? Because we know that the number of miles she drives will be the same, but our unknown is her miles per hour. Now let's put them together and solve for our variable. $(900/50) - 3 = 900/x$ $18 - 3 = 900/x$ $15 = 900/x$ Now we must isolate our $x$ value. Because it is acting as a denominator, we must multiply both sides of the equation by $x$. $x * 15 = (900/x) * x$ $15x = 900$ Now, we can divide both sides by 15 in order to isolate our $x$ value. $15x = 900$ ${15x}/15 = 900/15$ $x = 60$ Finally, let us plug this value back into our original equation to double-check our answer. $(900/50) - 3 = 900/x$ $(900/50) - 3 = 900/60$ $15 = 15$ We have successfully found our $x$ value, which is the new mileage per hour that Ms. Lewis must travel. But wait, we're not done yet! The question asked us to find out how much faster she must drive, not the new miles per hour at which she must travel. This means we must take the difference of the original miles per hour and the new miles per hour. $60 - 50 = 10$ She must drive 10 miles per hour faster in order to drive the same amount in three hours less time. So our final answer is C, 10. 2) Here we have two cable companies and we are told that we must solve for when their rates are equal after an equal number of months. That means we have a single variable (the number of months) and we have an equation because we are setting each side equal (since the question specifies that their prices will be equal after an unknown number of months). Uptown Cable has a flat fee of 120 dollars and an additional fee of 25 dollars per month. The flat fee will be unchanged (it only happens once), but the 25 dollars will be affected by the number of months. Since the number of months is our unknown variable, let’s give it a value of $x$. So our first expression will look like this: $120 + 25x$ Now Downtown Cable has a 60 dollar flat fee (occurs only once) and a 35 dollar per month fee. We are trying the find the equal number of months for a Downtown Cable package and an Uptown Cable package, so our variable, $x$, will remain the same. So our second expression will look like this: $60 + 35x$ Now we set the two expressions equal to one another. (Why? Because we are told that the prices will be equal after a certain number of months.) $120 + 25x = 60 + 35x$ Now we solve by shifting the terms on each side of the equation. First, let us combine our variable terms by subtracting 25x from each side. $120 + 25x - 25x = 60 + 35x - 25x$ $120 = 60 + 10x$ Now, let us subtract 60 from each side. $120 - 60 = 60 - 60 + 10x$ $60 = 10x$ And finally, let us isolate our variable. $60/10 = {10x}/10$ $6 = x$ So our final answer is G, in exactly 6 months, the prices of each cable package will be equal. 3) This question relies on manipulating fractions. If this process is unfamiliar to you, definitely check out our guide to ACT fractions and ratios. If this is familiar to you, then let’s keep going. ${1/3}k + {1/4}k =1$ We must find a common denominator of the two fractions in order to combine our like terms. In this case, the least common factor of 3 and 4 is 12. (For more on this process, check out our guide to ACT fractions and ratios.) ${4/12}k + {3/12}k = 1$ ${7/12}k = 1$ Now we have a number (7) being divided by another number (12). We know that division is the opposite of multiplication, so we must multiply each side by 12. $12 * {7/12}k = 1 * 12$ $7k = 12$ And finally, we must divide each side by 7 to isolate our variable. $7k = 12$ ${7k}/7 = 12/7$ $k = 12/7$ So our final answer is B, $12/7$ 4) We have a consultant with a flat (one time) fee of 30 dollars and an additional fee of 45 dollars per hour. Because the 45 dollars is hourly, it changes based on our variable (the number of hours). We do not know the number of hours she works, but we do know that her final earnings were 210 dollars. So let’s set this up as an equation. $30 + 45x = 210$ There are no like terms, so we can start isolating our variable. $30 - 30 + 45x = 210 - 30$ $45x = 180$ ${45x}/45 = 180/45$ $x = 4$ So our final answer is G, she worked 4 hours to earn 210 dollars. 5) This is a single variable problem that can be solved in one of two waysyou can either distribute first and then solve, or you can solve without the need to distribute. We’ll go through both ways here. Solve with distributing: $9(x - 9) = -11$ First, distribute your 9 across the expression $(x - 9)$ $9(x) - 9(9) = -11$ $9x - 81 = -11$ Now, isolate your variable term as usual. $9x - 81 + 81 = -11 + 81$ $9x = 70$ And finally, isolate your variable. $9x = 70$ ${9x}/9 = 70/9$ So our final answer is E, 70/9. Alternatively, you can solve this problem without the need to distribute your 9 across the expression (x - 9) Solve without distributing: $9(x - 9) = -11$ Divide each side by 9 ${9(x - 9)}/9 = -11/9$ $x - 9 = -11/9$ Now, we must add 9 to each side. $x - 9 + 9 = -11/9 + 9$ $x = -11/9 + 9$ In order to add $-11/9$ and 9, we must give them a common denominator. Again, check out the guide on fractions and ratiosif this process is unfamiliar to you. $x = -11/9 + 9/1(9/9)$ $x = -11/9 + 81/9$ $x = 70/9$ So again, our answer is E, 70/9. Phew! I think this calls for dessert. The Take-Aways Single variations make up the backbone of many other ACT problems. By knowing how to manipulate these kinds of expressions, you’ll be able to build on these techniques to solve much more complex problems and equations. Just remember to always perform the same act to each side of the equation and save isolating your variable for last. Now take your single variable knowledge and conquer the rest of our math guides. You’ve got this. What’s Next? You’ve build up your mathematical foundation and now you’re raring to take on more. Before you start in on another guide to an ACT math topic, make sure you have a good idea of all the topics covered on the ACT math. Think you might need a tutor? Check out the best ways to shop around for a tutor whosuits your needs, whether online or in person. Taken a practice test and don’t know how you match up for schools? Make sure you have a good idea of what your ideal score truly is. And if you feel like you’ve got a handle on the math itself, but struggle with the timing, then be sure to check out on our article on how to stop running out of time on the ACT. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this Math lesson, you'll love our program.Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands ofpractice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Impact of Private Education In Saudi Arabia On Expatriate Teachers Research Proposal

The Impact of Private Education In Saudi Arabia On Expatriate Teachers And Students - Research Proposal Example 3. METHODOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 The Research Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Aims and Objective of the Research. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14The Study Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Statistical Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 ABSTRACT The impact of private schools in Saudi Arabia on expatriate teachers and students is the interest of this exploratory study. Employing qualitative method of research, the researcher will likewise explore the lives of families and their corresponding children in the country, their experiences in dealing with Arab and other cultures, the significant experiences that expatriate teachers can take back to their respective countries, and identify the type of tertiary education that students in the host country can attend in the future. The researcher will make use of the qualitative-descriptive method of research. In the collection of informational data, the researcher will conduct an interview on expatriate teachers and students in their respective schools in Saudi Arabia. These data will include school performance or achievement scores, culture of the schools, culture of the expatriates teachers and students, list of benefits for the expatriates teachers and students, and performance of the expatriate teachers and students. The collected data will be computed statistically for mean, median, mode, percentile rank, and relative frequency. Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Conventionally, education of a country's citizens is left to those people who have gained... This study primarily focused on the information given by the private schools in Saudi Arabia. The respondents of the study are the expatriate teachers and students. The Local teachers and students were not included in this study. The researcher went over a number of books, journals, and online resources. The studies which were found relevant to the present day research are mentioned below. This report makes a conclusion that the Saudi Arabian government realized the need for its nationals to be effective conversationalist with the world. This was driven by its extensive oil and aggregates products export to other countries. For example, ARAMCO in 1968 created a verbal communication program for foreign dialect schooling. This was geared towards outputs or people that are conversant with different dialects. Having gained the necessary conversation tools, these people were posted and employed by the Saudi government to many sensitive areas of the business entity. On the other hand, because of the oil export business of Saudi Arabia, some nationals have to go to foreign countries to close deals and get related transactions done. All these supposedly require the proficiency in speaking and reading foreign language as the Saudi nationals can not always rely on language translators. Moreover, Mecca in Saudi Arabia is the Islamic congregation center for pilgrimage. Thus, Musli ms from foreign countries regularly come for the religious rites.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or Personal Statement - 1

Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences in the space below - Personal Statement Example My game improved and I ate free lunches for almost the entire summer! This is the type of challenge that best describes me. Other activities that I enjoy are downhill skiing and horseback riding. I am a novice a riding and am looking forward to improving. I have been told that I am too competitive by friends, but that is simply how I am wired. I never stoop to being a poor sport, and I have never lost a friend because of my competitive nature, so I guess I’m not too overbearing with my desire to always do my best. I am the sort of person that cannot relax by relaxing or giving something a half-effort. I relax by giving each challenge all of my effort and then enjoying the benefits of my hard work. This is why I love a good challenge. In the end, I’m a better more relaxed person because of the effort needed to overcome the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Proposal Plan Essay Example for Free

Proposal Plan Essay The purpose for the organization Walgreens is to stay put in a dynamic, self-motivated and energetic business environment. Walgreens is a successful business looking to progress overall presentation and place the company for potential expansion. In order for this to follow through, a total rewards program needs to be created. The incentives and compensation plan must connect with the goals of the organization. A solid rewards program will build motivation in the work place. As the text states, â€Å"The notions that rewards are means to motivate employees assuming that the rewards are distributed fairly. Rewards seem to be part of many different perspectives in motivation (Helsley, 2013). The most important part is the employees in this organization, and sadly the motivation is not up to par. Employees who lack motivation, insinuates that employees are not receiving proper rewards. Instead of management focusing on only one specific part of a department, they should rather work together towards a solid vision for the business. Presently, there is room for opportunity, to actually analyze the Human Resource Management system and see which problems which are leading employees to show lack of motivation. Through various researches, employees and outside sources, especially Human Capital Consulting organizations, believe that financial compensation is lower than market value. Employees do also not comprehend how pay interlinks with job performance. 20011 to 20012 surveys show that employees think that pay connects to seniority (Pulakos, 2004). Adding to standard compensation, individual rewards are not well connected to performance. For example, departments like Research Development and sales focus the transaction force and rarely see any return. The lack of proper positioning for financial compensation and work performance is causing confusion and affecting the motivational problems. Walgreens needs to acknowledge that employee’s views need to be considered. This is the reason why the distance in understanding between the employees and the business needs to be fixed. Alterations to financial compensation can be expensive. The consultant from Human Capital Consulting the reward and compensation system needs to be fully reformed. The total cost of the reward system alterations are about $165,000. Since the business has been dealing with sales declining an investment of that sort would put the organization at a high risk (Walgreens Co. , 2013). Even though the company has to cope with that expense the organization has the chance to better compete in the market and reduce the risk of losing employees to other businesses due to financial compensation formats. This problem can be resolved if the management team at Walgreens takes into consideration the cause of external competition. Key objectives to consider are to make certain that the pay is enough to attract and sustain employees. If employees do not see that their pay is competitive compared to what other organizations are giving for the same type of work, then that might cause for the employee to leave. Even though employee motivation and financial compensation are viewed as big problems for Walgreens, the business’ ability to form attraction and support career enhancement has been dwindling. The problems can be caused by the lack of Human Resource Management in the business strategic human capital management, with a failure by leadership to form a successful culture that aids the business objectives. As the business sets itself straight and alters its strategy, it will be vital to effectively train employees and make certain that they are set for the challenges that come their way. Sadly, motivation issues are harming the business and may affect the strategic changes. Examples of the weak culture and employee development are seen in the Research Development and sales parts of the organization. Each section contributes to the success of the business but receives rarely any recognition, whether it is pay or just an overall recognition. Walgreens has the chance to brace the culture and form a complete employee development system that supports the enterprises vision and goals for the future. To add to this the business has the ability to explore other areas aside from the financial compensation to augment employee motivation and job satisfaction. Executing a career development system will not be enough for long-term enhancements. Management at Walgreens will need to center on building situations that practice career development (Walgreens Co. , 2013). Employees at Walgreens have different interests. These interests can include financial compensation, career enhancement or development, strong and effective communication and of course support from the management team. Employees have the right to be rewarded fairly and be acknowledged for their efforts and hard work to the organization. To add to this, employees have the right to be included in the organizations culture instead of being part of teams that are divided up. This usually leads to a lack of direction. Employees crave cooperation, a challenging working environment and dedication. Thats why effective end state goals would be to make certain that employee motivation is being measured effectively. Also, form career development plans and spot out important achievements within the business. Not only employee motivation should be worked on, but also set up a comprehensive rewards system. The reward system will give employees the chance to take charge of their reward as well as form a spot to market benefits that pertain to Walgreen employees. An internal web application should be created by HR (Walgreens Co. , 2012). The system will center on benefits administration, cross-function team goal management, and incentive rewards tracking systems. Employees will have the option of reviewing their benefits and make alterations on their time. Also, managers will be able to appraise the improvement and donations made by cross-functional teams. Sales statistics will also be part of the reward system to keep track of sales performance. Overall, Walgreens needs to restructure its employee compensation program. This means that the organization needs to first acknowledge that employee motivation is low. From there, increase it, by rewarding employees for a job well done. Acknowledging them in front of their employees and even bonuses will be nice. Flexible schedule is so important. Basically, re-evaluating everything to make certain that employees are feeling valued.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Tragic Tale of Ophelia and Hamlet Essay -- GCSE English Literature

The Tragic Tale of Ophelia and Hamlet  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     The common problem of lack of communication has plagued couples since the beginning of time. The relationship Hamlet and Ophelia share in Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, is no more immune to these human tendencies. Throughout the drama, many misunderstandings cloud their relationship. Unspoken problems and pressures within Ophelia’s and Hamlet’s private lives lead to overlooked, unnoticed love. For Hamlet, his bond with Ophelia pales in comparison to the weight of the les talionis obligation thrust upon his soul. Ophelia faces trouble of a different nature. Having been raised to be very obedient to her father and to let him think for her, she is coerced into pushing Hamlet away and not giving into her love. It is the very lack of communication of these personal dilemmas between Ophelia and Hamlet that ultimately leads to Ophelia’s untimely demise and brings Hamlet to the verge of hysteria. In the beginning, Ophelia is first introduced as she is being warned by her brother, Laertes. He tells her to be wary of Hamlet, for his love for her may be short-lived and she is of unequal rank to him. Shortly afterward, Ophelia’s father, Polonius, joins in the crusade, but in a more forceful way. While treating her as if she was a child, he commands her to turn Hamlet away completely. After Ophelia tells him that Hamlet has expressed affection for her, Polonius replies, "Affection! pooh! you speak like a green girl / Unsifted in such perilous circumstance" (1.4.94-95). Thus Ophelia is torn in two different directions—love for Hamlet and obedience toward her father. Since she has been trained since birth, the desires of her father push all other notions aside, and she replies as she ofte... ...e / Whose violent property fordoes itself" stating that he believed Hamlet’s obsession with Ophelia was its cause (2.2.99-100). Finally, it is plainly established as Hamlet leaps onto Ophelia’s grave and declares his love for her. Their obvious love for each other is hidden, however, under a cover called lack of communication. While the couple is torn apart by forces beyond their control, they never tell each other, which leads to misunderstandings between them. To conclude, it is the very lack of communication in a relationship that can lead to misunderstandings that can obscure otherwise tight bonds. In Hamlet, Ophelia and Hamlet are a prime example of this and how it can lead to the ultimate misunderstanding—lost love. Work Cited Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. England in Literature. Eds. Helen McDonnell, et al. Glenview: Scott, Foresman, 1982. 136-201.   

Monday, November 11, 2019

Effects of Music on the Growth of Mung Beans

CHAPTER V SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS This chapter presents the summary of finding the generalization of the conclusion and the recommendation for the further improvement of the study. I. Summary of Findings 1. Music affects the growth of Mung beans. As established in the experiment and based on the data gathered, music has a great effect on the growth of Mung beans. The varying degree of effect is dependent on the type or tempo of music to be played. 2.In general, music helps in the growth of plants. It hastens the growth of plants. As we conducted and observed our experiment, we noticed that classical music helps the Mung beans' growth. Plants exposed to rock music grew slower than those exposed to classical music; however, they grew faster than those exposed to no music. 3. The growth of the green variety of Mung beans is faster than those of the yellow variety in any of the environment they were subjected to.II. Conclusions 1. Music affects the growth of Mung beans as we observed the set-ups. The different aspects that we have observed where music was involved were the plant's height and the number of leaves produced. 2. Music helps the Mung beans' growth and does not hinder their development. 3. Music, more specifically the classic music, has effects on the growth of Mung beans especially on the growth of the green variety. III. Recommendations 1.As we have proven through the data gathered that music hastens the growth of plants, we recommend promoting the use of music in planting and other agricultural activities. This can be done through discussions in the different fora to bring to the awareness of the authorities and the agricultural sector the benefits of music in planting. 2. We recommend that in the utilization of music for plant growing, you should use classical music in order for you to grow your plants faster. 3. We recommend that further study be conducted to validate the findings of this paper.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Cause and solution of environmental degradation Essay

Environmental degradation is not a new thing, it has been happening all over the world for centuries. The problem is that it is now occurring at a much faster rate, therefore not leaving enough time for the environment to recover and regenerate. Some of environmental degradation types are fossil fuel burning, waste disposal and deforestation. To begin with, the burning of fossil fuels by humans is the largest source of emissions of carbon dioxide, which is one of the greenhouse gases rise into the air and contribute to global warming, which threatens the health of the oceans and the diverse organisms living there. In order to eliminate this pollution, people would rather replace fossil fuels with renewable energy sources such as wind power, solar power, burning waste and water power. It is achievable for everyone but fossil fuels are very limited and becoming exhausted. Another factor which causes environmental degradation is waste disposal. In commerce, businesses mostly use non-biodegradable packaging, which many years to decompose, to reduce expense extremely. Industrial waste often contains chemicals eliminating directly to the sea without treatment which can lead to the pollution of water supplies. Moreover, household waste such as plastic and glass bottle without recycling is buried underground possibly causing land pollution. To improve the current environment issue, Government should release a policy for businesses, factory and household to concern about waste treatment, which is often omitted because of high cost. Businesses should use green packaging which is easy to decompose gradually, waste treatment process should be installed in factories and citizens must begin to recycle goods and packaging whenever possible. Deforestation is one of the main reasons causing environmental degradation. It is an act of clearing forest in order to accommodate agricultural, industrial or urban use. If this deforestation is not stop or controlled, the consequence could be soil degradation and erosion, changes in climatic conditions and destruction of natural habitats. In order to ameliorate deforestation, the local authorities should pay attention on forest reservation, encourage local people taking part in growing tree campaign or build green belt around urban area. To sum up, environmental degradation is becoming more and more serious worldwide. Governmental and social organizations should contribute actively to help people acknowledge the important of environment conservation.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to win more work with your bids and tenders

How to win more work with your bids and tenders 9 ways to win more work with your bids and tenders In sport, there’s often a fine line between being hailed as the champ or dubbed an also-ran. For every Olympic 10,000m gold medallist there were probably dozens of potential champions. But no matter. Whoever crosses the line first, even by a fraction of a second, takes the spoils. Coming out on top is often about good preparation and the little things your competitors failed to take into account. It’s the same when bidding for work. And you probably know from experience that the competition to edge ahead can be as fierce there as on the race track. So here are nine ways you can get your nose in front to consistently be the champ, and not end up an also-ran chump. 1. Write fewer bids Ironically, it’s sometimes easier to win more work by focusing your energies on fewer bids and tenders. Alarm bells should be ringing if you find yourself winging it when answering half a dozen key questions in an invitation to tender (ITT) or pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ). Newcomers, especially, can be tempted to bid for contracts that don’t actually suit their capabilities. So concentrate on the bids and tenders where you are most likely to succeed. 2. Get under their skin †¦ †¦ in a good way, of course. When you do identify a suitable opportunity, ask yourself this crucial question: how can I find out what the potential client really wants? Sometimes it’s obvious. A good ITT will make their priorities clear from the outset. Sadly, the reality is that most are poorly written. For example, you may need to read carefully to spot key needs that aren’t even mentioned in a list of ‘essential requirements’. In any case, always broaden your research beyond the ITT to get the bigger picture of what matters to them right now. Check out their website, news stories about them and blog posts by the CEO. And if you are looking to renew ongoing business with a customer, speak to your sales team or client relationship managers. They’re best placed to give you crucial insights into the challenges the client faces, or their preferred method of working. 3. Put your win themes in the spotlight Once you understand your potential client, focus on the factors most likely to win you their business – your ‘win themes’. For example, your prospect might be an eco-friendly organic food producer looking for a supplier of cardboard packaging. Your win theme here may be that you source all your cardboard products via certified sustainable forest management. Use every relevant opportunity to drive home that message, such as in the executive summary, case studies and even in project team CVs. It’s vital to back up win themes with facts, though. In the case above, this might be how many trees you’ve had planted, or how you helped another client achieve their carbon emissions target six months early. 4. Remember it’s not about you Win themes are firmly focused on the client’s needs. And your entire bid or tender should be, too. It’s easy to come out all guns blazing, singing the praises of your own organisation – but doing thats likely to just alienate the reader. Far better to make it clear, early on, that you understand their issues and needs. And when referring to the features of your product or service, make clear the benefits for that particular client at the same time. So, avoid the old-school, in-your-face sales pitch approach. And adopting the right tone can be crucially important in other ways, too. 5. Keep it positive A delegate on one of our bid-writing courses couldn’t understand why so many of their submissions for event-management contracts met with only a lukewarm response, and ultimately a rejection. He told us: ‘We know we can match our competitors on price. We have masses of experience, too, and plenty of good case studies to back us up.’ A review of their ITT responses revealed the root of the problem – a worryingly negative vibe. Statements such as ‘We believe we can deliver the contract to a satisfactory standard’ were unlikely to inspire confidence. Better to use positive phrases such as ‘We will ensure that †¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ and a stronger adjective than a mere satisfactory. Likewise, they referred to ‘trying to’ or ‘aiming to’ achieve goals, rather than saying there were ‘confident’ of doing so. And when describing a prospective client, avoid being overly deferential in a way that is likely to make them cringe (‘We would be honoured to build a relationship with your prestigious research establishment ’). It can sound like you feel lucky to even be in with a chance of working with them. They’re going to be putting their trust in you. So its far better to position yourself as an equal or high-level adviser. Remember, too, that referring to competitors is generally frowned upon in bid writing as much as in other areas of sales, and with good reason. For one thing, your response should be strong enough to sell itself, without taking potshots at the opposition. (Plus, do you really want to give over valuable space in your bid to name-checking alternative suppliers?) 6. Favour simple over waffle It can be tempting to include everything you can think of when responding to a question in an ITT, in the vain hope that your singularly comprehensive answer will impress the reader. That’s rarely the best idea. Let’s look at two potential responses from a reader’s point of view. Question: ‘What are your proposed delivery timescales?’ Answer 1: ‘Four months.’ Answer 2: ‘Given the emphasis you have placed on achieving your ambitions within a relatively short timeframe, we have carried out an in-depth assessment of the global effects of leveraging the synergies we can achieve through our involvement in this project. This substantive evaluation has given us the confidence to predict a delivery period of 16 weeks, in line with your expectations.’ The first answer is straightforward and its lack of waffle makes the writer sound more confident. Only give detail that’s helpful to the reader, using clear, concise language that avoids unnecessary jargon. Remember, though, that it can sometimes help to mirror some of the language the prospective client appears comfortable with – they may refer to ‘service users’ rather than ‘customers’, for example. In which case, you should too. 7. Help them to help you Where the bidding process allows it, do communicate with prospective clients. It can help you build a rapport with them. And don’t be afraid to seek clarification on important points, such as budget. Doing so, far from being a sign of weakness, will show your dedication to genuinely fulfilling their needs. It will also give you a chance to build your working relationship even before they hire you. (Note though that in formal tender processes, both questions and responses from the client may well be made public to all suppliers tendering.) 8. Beware of ‘the stupids’ Your submission is finished ahead of the deadline. You’ve even double-checked it against a compliance matrix to make sure you’ve included a solution for everything the ITT asked for. Almost time then to breathe a sigh of relief and get on with all those everyday tasks you’ve had to put off. But not so fast. It’s so easy to blow it in the final stages. First, watch out for silly mistakes that undermine your credibility. Years ago, we were working closely with a key decision-maker whose role at the time was to award contracts to run entire rail franchises. As you can imagine, such decisions are far from simple and involve assessing a huge amount of technical detail. Yet he told us that his first action when assessing any bid was to quickly leaf through it and circle silly mistakes, which he called the ‘stupids’. These could include, say, instances where the writer had made a common spelling mistake in the name of a station. (For example, writing ‘Bridgewater’ instead of ‘Bridgwater’, when referring to the town in Somerset, UK.) Though these might seem trivial, collectively they call into question just how well the supplier knows the area. He and his colleagues would take the total number of silly mistakes into account when weighing up competing bids. In fact, his non-orthodox technique has a sound basis in social psychology. That’s because we are all hard-wired to look for cues that suggest we would be wise not to put all our trust in what we’re reading. The cues we rely on most (even if we do so unconsciously) include those that are easy for the people we’re assessing to get wrong if they don’t know what they’re doing. Failing to spell key place names correctly is a good example. The impact of stupids may be far greater than you think, as they can lead decision-makers to quickly lose confidence in your document and, by default, you and your organisation. So, ensure your document has been edited carefully and then proofread properly. Pay particularly close attention to the executive summary – a stupid mistake there really can make all the hard work of putting a bid together utterly futile. 9. Don’t fall at the final hurdle Finally, presentation. It’s more important than you may think. Your document needs to look approachable and professional – and be sure to check for any specific requirements such as the number of copies they need and whether the bid or proposal should be bound. And if you submit your bid electronically, do make sure it’s been safely received. After all, it’s impossible to win a new piece of business if you actually fail to deliver your bid at all. Try these 9 steps to finish first Its a competitive world out there, and in sales – unlike in sport – theres no prize for coming second. But apply these nine steps to all your bids and tenders, and you will be odds-on for a win every time. hbspt.cta.load(2645537, 'bcc87e53-f3f4-4632-9e9d-ecd393514f70', {}); Image credit: Halfpoint / Shutterstock

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

What Is Pre-AP How Are Pre-AP Classes Different

What Is Pre-AP How Are Pre-AP Classes Different SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips What is a pre-AP class? Has your school started to offer pre-AP classes or are you wondering if they should? Have you heard about the College Board’s new official pre-AP classes and aren’t sure what they are? This guide is here to answer all your pre-AP questions. We’ll explain what pre-AP is, how official pre-AP classes differ from unofficial pre-AP classes, important changes coming to pre-AP, and what subjects the official pre-AP classes will cover. What Is Pre-AP? What is a pre-AP class? Pre-AP classes are a fairly new term for classes that are meant to prepare high school students for AP classes (college-level classes taken in high school) as well as college classes themselves.Pre-AP classes are typically taken by high school freshman, but some courses are also meant for sophomores. Can any school decide it wants to have pre-AP and just assign the title to some of its classes? Yes, but not for much longer.The College Board has recently announced that it will launch an official pre-AP program in the fall of 2018 (learn more about the official pre-AP classes in the â€Å"What Official Pre-AP Classes Are Available?† section further down).Beginning in the fall of 2022, all classes that are labelled as â€Å"pre-AP† must be submitted to the College Board and have their curriculum approved in order to be called pre-AP. Official pre-AP classes must also be available to all students in a grade, not just honors or advanced students. Currently, however, there are both official and unofficial pre-AP classes, and although both are meant to prepare students for future college classes, the two types are actually quite different from each other. Unofficial Pre-AP Classes Until 2022, any school can give certain classes the â€Å"pre-AP† title without having to follow the curriculum or rules of official pre-AP classes.Unofficial pre-AP classes are usually similar to honors classes. They are more challenging than regular-level classes and will likely have more homework and more rigorous tests to help you prepare for the advanced level of AP classes.You may need to have certain grades or pass a test to be accepted into an unofficial pre-AP class. Official Pre-AP Classes Official pre-AP classes are those that have had their curriculum approved by the College Board. Beginning in 2022, they will be the only pre-AP classes allowed. The College Board created pre-AP classes as a way to introduce all high school students to the skills and resources they'll be using in college classes. Unlike regular AP classes, which are often only for advanced students, official pre-AP classes must be open access, which means students at all learning levels must be able to take them. Pre-AP classes are meant to be the standard curriculum for a course, not an honors or advanced program.If your school has an official pre-AP course, then all students must be enrolled in it. Schools can’t exclude anyone from a pre-AP class based on his or her grades or aptitude for the subject. It's possible for a school to have an honors pre-AP class, but only if they also have a regular-level pre-AP class in the same subject as well.This could mean that, instead of having regular and honors biology, a school would just have pre-AP biology and honors pre-AP biology. When a class is an official pre-AP class, that doesn't necessarily mean it's an advanced class or more difficult than regular classes. Pre-AP just means the class has more of a focuson preparing you for future college classes. You'll still be studying the same major topics in a pre-AP class that you would in a regular class, but the way the lessons are taught and how you are assessed will be slightly different and more similar to a college class. This may mean you'll analyze more texts similar to those studied in college classes, practice critical thinking skills, and learn specific lessons that are part of the pre-AP program. Since these are skills all students should be learning, pre-AP classes aren't meant for just advanced students. How Does Pre-AP Differ From Regular Advanced Placement? Because the names are so similar, it’s easy to confuse pre-AP and regular AP classes. However, they’re quite different from each other, and the three major differences are discussed below. #1:You Can’t Get College Credit for Pre-AP Classes AP classes are taught at the same level as college classes; therefore, passing one means you can pass its college counterpart. This is why many colleges give college credit for passing AP classes. Pre-AP classes are still taught at the high school level, so although they can be more difficult than regular high school classes, you won’t get college credit for them since they aren’t as difficult as regular college classes. #2: There Is No Final AP Exam to Pass in a Pre-AP Class For most students, the most important part of every AP class they take is the final AP class in the spring. These exams, which are scored from 1 to 5, are important for showing colleges how well you understood the material and possibly getting college credit. Pre-AP classes don’t have final AP exams like that. Just like a regular class you’ll probably end the year with a final exam or project, but there’s no official pre-AP exam you need to take or pass. #3:Pre-AP Classes May or May Not Give Your Transcript a Boost Some students and parents get confused as to how important college think pre-AP classes are. Does a pre-AP class look as good as an AP class on your high school transcript? No, since, as mentioned above, AP classes are significantly more difficult than pre-AP classes. Currently, many colleges will view a pre-AP class on a high school transcript the same way they view an honors class. However, once official pre-AP classes become more widespread, colleges will likely stop viewing pre-AP classes as honors or advanced classes since official pre-AP classes are meant to be taught to students of all abilities. An honors pre-AP class will likely be viewed the same as a regular honors class. What Official Pre-AP Classes Are Available? Beginning in fall 2018, five official pre-AP classes will launch in schools. These classes are all official pre-AP classes and will follow curriculum designed by the College Board. The five classes are all meant for 9th graders, but more pre-AP classes, including some for students in other grades, are expecting in coming years. Many of them include more of an emphasis on critical reading and analysis skills than regular classes typically would. Below are the five official pre-AP classes, each with a short description. You can find out more about the pre-AP classes on the College Board’s pre-AP website. Pre-AP Algebra 1: Focuses primarily on linear relationships as well as other building blocks of math. There will be an emphasis on using math skills to solve real-world problems as well as being able to support or refute mathematical arguments. Pre-AP Biology: Gives students a foundation on basic biological concepts, both macro and micro. Students will read higher-level biology texts and learn analytical reading and writing skills useful for upper-level and college science classes. Pre-AP English 1: Teaches students close reading skills, analytical writing, and language skills while reading a variety of complex texts similar to what you'd read in intro-level college English classes. Pre-AP World History and Geography: Focuses on how history and geography are related, the importance of evaluating evidence from historical texts, and how to explain historical relationships. There's an emphasis on identifying and analyzing relationships between historical figures and events, as well as incorporating evidence into written and oral arguments. Pre-AP Visual and Performing Arts: There are four specific courses in this group: pre-AP Dance, pre-AP Music, pre-AP Theater, and pre-AP Visual Arts. Compared to many regular classes, these pre-AP classes focus more on analysis and interpretation of important works, peer-to-peer dialogue, experimentation, and reflective writing to prepare students for college-level classes in these subjects. Conclusion: What Is Pre-AP? Pre-AP classes used to be a title used by schools to designate honors classes or other rigorous classes designed to prepare students for AP classes in future years. Beginning in fall of 2018, the College Board will launch five official pre-AP classes. These classes are open-access, which means students of all abilities must be allowed to take the class. Instead of being honors classes, official pre-AP classes are meant to be the standard class in a school to teach a subject.Unlike regular AP classes, you can’t get college credit for pre-AP classes, and there is no final AP exam to take at the end of the year. What's Next? Want to learn more about Advanced Placement classes?Check out our introductory guide to AP classes and tests to learn everything you need to know! Does your school offer AP and IB? Are you curious about the differences between the two? Take a look at this article to learn whether AP or IB will be a better fit for your needs. If you're taking the SAT or ACT soon, you'll want to be well prepared. Check out our ultimate study guide for the SAT and ultimate study guide for the ACT for everything you need to score high! Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, November 2, 2019

International Trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

International Trade - Essay Example Electrolux is an established brand of the Company, and a mature product in its portfolio. It has gained critical acclaim for meeting most of the customers’ functional needs. Electrolux Tumble Dryer is a product of an American firm and it is sought to be marketed in India through Electrolux label as its product. The game plan is to capture the Indian market for this line of products through a well conceived Disruptive Marketing Strategy. A comparative study of all existing players in the field and observation of emerging trends with potential to impact the market in the coming few years forms the bedrock of this strategy. Thus this Document will be a crucial turning point in the Business History of the Company. The Document examines the position of Electrolux Brand in the context of the Indian Market. It also looks at the Tumble dryer for its strengths and weaknesses and their potential impact on the Indian customer preference. A study of the Market Plan reveals that the merits possessed by Electrolux Tumbler Dryers closely match the needs of a large number of Target markets. The Plan sets targets for Electrolux to penetrate the Indian Market and the ways to do so. This Document identifies some of the major points essential for making an objective analysis of the Indian Market scene with regard to the introduction of this American product. 1.1 Potential Market Size There is an assumption that the developed market of India, with its existing structural setting will control the market position for Tumble dryers. The market is composed of Manufactures from abroad producing in India, Importers, Whole sale traders and retailers. Many of the Foreign Manufacturers are also their own importers. The Wholesale traders generally have composite inventory consisting of several competing products or other allied goods of the same manufacturers. Retail trade also works on the same lines, (Koch, 2001). Some Retailers have significant presence in the retail market. Tumble Dryers are not seen sold in dependent retail shops in India because this product is not yet popular in the society. But survey shows they are willing to prepare and be ready for special orders. Independent shop owners account for about 80% of the Indian Retail Market and the remaining 20% is shared by several different channels. A review of the market in India shows that no proper distribution network is present for Tumble dryers. The potential customers are not even well informed of the existence of the product and its unique advantages. Available purchase points also do not seem to be educating the potential buyers about the product, (Huang, & Sternquist, 2007). Retail Stores in India are very few in number and the Managers do not have any effective stay in the choice of products that make up their stock in trade. International; products are not marketed in this kind of set up. They are sold through Retail Chains where centralized decision making ensures that the shops are invari ably supplied the product in adequate quantity, depending on sales. Therefore introduction of Electrolux Tumbler Dryer to the Indian market may appear to be starting with a disadvantage. Another problem is that the product requires its own, dedicated Gas supply channel.